Monday, November 23, 2009

My painful story by Dominic Griffin

                                                       My personal experience.

Two years ago (in 2007) I almost broke my leg on a skiing trip to Mt.Ruapahu with my family. I was skiing really fast down the ski slope and I went down lots of hills and I was beating my brother to the bottom and I just knew I would beat my brother and then I went on a ramp and did a trick and then just when I got to the bottom BANG!!!. When I got to the bottom of the slope I twisted my leg and hit my leg really hard on some ice and I was crying and my leg bleeding lots and I was crying lots and lots at the end of the mountain and my mum had to get my leg untwisted and get a bandage and a pack of plasters. I couldn't ski any more for that day and I had to have a sleep for the rest of the day on a table while my mum,dad,brother and sister went skiing for a bit. Then after that I had to go to the hospital to get checked up and after a few weeks I was better and had no broken leg any more.

Mr H - That sounds really painful! You've described a good  sequence of events.   I'd like to see some more detail at the start of your writing.  What happened before you got to the bottom?  What were you thinking and feeling?  Create a really good picture in the readers head with your words.  You also need to work on your sentences - too many ands and thens.  Great photo!

Domi's pictures

This is me building my Lego on Christmas eve and I chose this because it effects my emotional hauora.


this is me riding my bike. it affects my pysical side.
this is me fishing. it affecets my emotional side.

This is me playing hockey and this effects my physical side of hauora

Friday, November 20, 2009

Swimming at the beach

Here I am at the beach. I am doing a back flip into the water. This is a fun thing to do. And it is healthy for my body because I am also stretching my back. Can you do this?

Luke Climbing

This is me climbing and staying healthy . I think that climbing trees is fun . I think it is a great way to stay healthy .


I am being healthy by playing basketball. This makes me physically healthy by being active.


Here is a picture of me at the beach playing one of my favorite sports- volleyball. This is helping me be healthier and more active. This helps my body be healthier.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Hauroa photos

This is me and my sister Annah at my dad and anges wedding this builds my social and emotional side of Hauora.
This is Annah my sister and me on holiday this builds my social side of Hauora.
This is me playing cricket this builds my physical side of hauora.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

This is me doing a slam dunk.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Zia's photos

Am the one that is in the red and at the front. I am kayaking down the Arden river with my sister Kara. It is affecting my physical because I am using my arms to paddle it also effects my mental and emotional because I'm happy and my social because I'm with my family. It also affects my spiritual because I am happy!
This is me snowboarding in bourg. I am doing a grab on a jump. It is affecting my physical because I am using my muscles , my social because I'm with my family. my mental/emotional because It was so fun.

Oliver's photos

This me at my birthday party making a funny face!

And now I am practicing my skating on my new as skate board!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Diana's Photos

This first photo is of me dancing in the Girls Brigade Break Up last year. It benefits me:
Socially: I meet other girls of different ages and make new friends.
Spiritually: It is a christian group and we talk about God, Jesus, and the bible.
Physically: We play games and dance, as you can see in the picture.
Mentally/Emotionally: It calms me down when I've been upset, and I learn new things.

This photo is of me in the snow for the first time, with my dad, big brother Blake and little brother Joel. It benefits me:

Socially: I am doing something with my family.

Spiritually: Snow is nature, which is a creation of God. (I'm Christian).

Physically: I was throwing snow and running around, which keeps me fit.

Mentally/Emotionally: I was bored and it made me happy. (The snow was in Waiouru, and we had been travelling for a couple of hours).

Kua's Hauora

This is me break dancing.It Builds my physical side.
This is a picture of reading the bible.It builds my
spiritual hauora.It makes me learn more about god

My Photos Jackson

These are two pictures of my and in the first one i am at the beach and in the last one in this picture i am riding a bike.

Monday, November 9, 2009

My Photos!-Kate

In the above me handing out lollies to the Turbos.It builds my social side and physical side because i am walking!

In the above me on my Bike biking on the street.It helps my physical side of hauora. Because I am riding on the street.